Jen Blanco

Published and award-winning Venezuelan Art Director and Photographer based in Montreal.



The Conjuring | Warner Bros. Pictures

BRIEF: The Conjuring 1 and Anabelle were a total success in Latin America due to the love for horror movies. So we were asked to create a unique and scary experience for the consumers of this genre. IDEA: We created an app that worked as a Demon Detector where people could materialize any ghost presence in their own homes. We also had the actors make a video to promote the app. RESULTS: 26k audios and images were generated through the app. The Warren's video had 646k reproductions. 16k likes and 2k shares.The biggest film in Warner Bros. Pictures history in terms of box office and tickets sold.

Video Case


Here is a list of the publications and awards for this campaign:

> Publication in AdAge
> Publication in Ads of the World


Advertising Agency: Circus, Argentina
Chief Executive Officer: Bruno Lambertini
Creative Director: Javier de la Fuente,  Alejandro Stea
Copywriter: Ezequiel Albornoz
Art Director: Jenifer Blanco
Account Director: Daiana Buchanan
Editors: Demián Domínguez, Fernando Morán