House of Cards S4 | Netflix
BRIEF: Argentina has a very politized society, so Netflix decided to do the launching of House of Cards Season 4 in that country. For that, we were asked to extend the show experience and relate HOC to Argentina's real world. IDEA: Federico Pinedo is a former president of Argentina. He was an interim president for 12 hours, yes, just 12 hours. For that he became a meme phenomenon, so we had Frank send him a direct mention on Twitter, "mocking" him for his expedient presidency. We looked for Pinedo's most retweeted tweet and we sent him a reply from the House of Cards' official account, making it look like a natural conversation between two presidents. RESULTS: Barack Obama mentioned the campaign. Free media for over U$D 250.000. More than 10k retweets. More than 1000 replies. HOC S4 broke all the viewing records in Argentina.
Video Case

Here is a list of the publications and awards for this campaign:
> Publication in AdLatina
> Gold - Digital CampaignsGold - Digital Campaigns (Issued by Premios Clarín Creatividad · Dec 2016)
> Gold - InteractiveGold - Interactive (Issued by Effie Argentina · Oct 2016)
> Gold - Real Time ActivationGold - Real Time Activation (Issued by Effie Argentina · Oct 2016)
> Silver - Media InnovationSilver - Media Innovation (Issued by Effie Argentina · Oct 2016)
> Gold - InteractiveGold - Interactive (Issued by Effie Latam · Sep 2016)
Advertising Agency: Circus, ArgentinaChief Executive Officer: Sebastián Olivieri
Creative Directors: Javier de la Fuente, Alejandro Stea
Head of Social Media: Aranzazu Muraca
Art Director: Jenifer Blanco
Account Director: Christopher Roberts