Jen Blanco

Published and award-winning Venezuelan Art Director and Photographer based in Montreal.



Crafting Projects

Here you will find two crafting projects I’ve done: The first one was a project I did for Crehana, an online learning platform, where I taught crafting and lettering.

The second one was a project I did with my former copywriter Susana R. Davis, back when I was working at FCB Buenos Aires. DRAFTFCB changed globally into FCB (Foote, Cone & Belding). Our Executive Creative Director, Tony Waissman, asked us if we could do something about it, something creative, colorful and fun that would symbolize the spirit of that change. We created a 4 poster campaign.   

Crehana - Online class

FCB - Branding change

Making of


Executive Creative Director: Tony Waissmann
Creative Director: Diego rubio
Copywriter: Susanita R. Davis
Art Direction: Jenifer Blanco